What is the purpose of The World Vote?
The World Vote Project was founded around the 2024 US presidential election, to let everyone in the world, regardless of citizenship or age, vote unofficially in an election whose consequences will ripple throughout the world, touching wars, climate change, trade, migration, and more.
Within days of launching, hundreds of thousands of voters, from nearly 200 countries, expressed their opinion. We have compiled all of this global sentiment to share it with the White House to convey how people all over the world were viewing the US and its presidential election, along with their hopes for the future of the planet.
The purpose of this site has since evolved to harness input on a range of “borderless” topics that affect us all, but for which most of us have no input. We try to stay relevant and each month we let our voters choose next month’s topic.
It’s an ambitious dream, but our aspiration is to use technology to create a free and open platform where people from all over the world can democratically express their views on issues that they care about, and where global leaders might actually hear these voices and heed them when making decisions that impact billions of people. That’s a world we’d like to live in.
How do you stop people from voting multiple times?
Our focus is on preventing automated fraud. To deter bots, we use CAPTCHAs and email confirmations to ensure each email only casts one vote. It’s not foolproof but it does help deter widespread fraud.
In addition, we audit voter profiles and IP addresses to identify and block suspicious clusters of activity that could be coordinated voting. We conduct these post-vote audits to verify the legitimacy of voters, especially when suspicious activity is detected. Our system can also track user behavior to differentiate between human voters and bots (for example by looking at time spent on the site and other browsing behaviors).
We believe in transparency and will publish reports on suspicious voting activity detailing the measures we’ve taken to protect the integrity of our results.
How are votes shared?
For starters, we present aggregated results on our website for everyone to see.
At the end of each poll, we will also publish our Global Sentiment Report which we will send to world leaders, the UN, and the global media. We want global leaders to know who supports what, from where, and why. We believe that if enough people speak up, world leaders will have no choice but to hear them. And if world leaders consider what the world’s citizens care about, they will make wiser decisions.
Our goal is to crowdsource solutions to the big challenges and we recognize this isn’t a simple matter of “voting”. To that end, we encourage The World Vote participants to weigh in on each issue by taking a few minutes to write, in their own words, about their concerns, hopes, and dreams as part of the voting process. We then use AI to compile these into our monthly Global Sentiment Report. Our hope is that creative ideas can bubble up to world leaders and help them make better and more informed decisions.
Finally, we share our detailed results with our supporters. For them, we provide a data visualization tool to dive into the data (to see patterns by country, age, gender, etc).
Is my vote here counted in any official way?
No, this is an unofficial vote designed for educational and research purposes. The World Vote Project is an independent platform that seeks to explore global sentiment. It is not connected to any official government or electoral body, and your participation here does not replace your right or ability to vote in any official election. If you are eligible to vote, we encourage you to do so through the proper official channels.
How can I help?
Share this page, contribute, and let people who can’t vote officially know that they still have a say in an election that impacts everyone on the planet. Together, we will make this a global conversation.